Amy Tolsky - Biography

Amy was born on the south side of Chicago and is the baby of the family with an older sister and brother who were very influential with regard to their musical tastes. The family moved to the north side ('burbs) and she went to Niles West High School. She caught the acting bug in high school after performing in a bikini (first and last time!) After starring in multiple shows, she went on to major in Theatre at the University of Illinois in their four year acting conservatory program where she received her coveted BFA. When a friend told her about a work abroad program called BUNAC for current college students and recent graduates, she immediately bought her ticket to London, England. She collected her 6 month work visa and turned that into a thirteen year stay in her beloved second home.

Whilst in London, she was an original acting member of Absolute Theatre which performed in England, Scotland and even Prague for the Annual International Theatre Festival. She also pursued a career in music performing in several indie and a capella groups as well as a successful rock covers band called The Bertie Bassett Band (we were certainly a group of all-sorts!) She also found a part-time career in voice-over doing radio I.D.s, jingles (including Steve Wright's popular Radio 1 program), radio plays, language tapes, as well as a presenter on several BBC World Service radio programs. She also found herself touring all over Europe in four productions of the musical "Hair" playing the pregnant (not naked) Jeanie. It was a wonderful way to travel the world and get paid for it! One of her favorite theatrical experiences was playing Sid Vicious' troubled girlfriend Nancy Spungen in the play "The Pistols" at The Hackney Empire which chronicled the end of the Pistols' infamous rise to fame. She became interested in TV work as well and was thrilled to work with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie on an episode of the wildly popular "Jeeves and Wooster" based on the P.G. Wodehouse stories. She also starred in her first feature film "Intimate with a Stranger" where she received wonderful reviews at The Cannes Film Festival.

Amy eventually decided to come back to The States to pursue more TV and film and moved way west to L.A. She found her man and lives a happily-ever-after life with her husband and son acting in all avenues available on the stage and screen including her starring role as Francine Foster in the web series "You've Probably Dated My Mom".