Ann Elder - Biography

The highlight of this cute, petite blonde's performing career was probably her three years on Laugh-In (1967). But, most of Ann Elder's show business career has been spent as a comedy writer, mostly with Larry Hovis. Starting out as a child and teenage model in Cleveland, Elder majored in English at DePauw University in Indiana, then joined a Chicago advertising firm, writing and producing TV commercials.

Bitten by the acting bug, she joined Chicago's Second City improvisational group, and after two years decided to try Hollywood. Between TV guest roles and movie parts, she worked as head writer for Mitzi Gaynor's Las Vegas nightclub act and TV variety specials. When Goldie Hawn left "Laugh-In", Elder was tapped as her replacement. After three years on the show, she returned to comedy writing, winning Emmys for Lily Tomlin specials in 1973 and 1975.