Ava Ames - Biography

Ava is from Baltimore, Maryland. She is the youngest of three children. She started formal training in dance at age 4 and her favorite dance style is ballet. She has recently been accepted into a professional ballet program. She is very flexible, and has been nicknamed Gumby by her dance peers. She is an avid equestrian. She began riding English style on painted horses when she was 7. On any given weekend, she can be found at High Sierra Wild Horse Sanctuary in Wheldon, CA working for the betterment of the wild horses that reside there awaiting new homes. Her acting mentor in Los Angeles is Mr. Hal Havins. Her professional acting career began with a bank commercial that aired during the 2012 Summer Olympics. Since, she has moved on to other roles, such as young Swift in the Taylor Swift music video Everything Has Changed, Joy in The Secret of Joy, Emily in Touches short, and young Emily in Pink Zone feature film. She has been studying music, and is learning to play both the piano and guitar. Ava's future plan is to become a doctor, she is very supportive of Kid's Cancer Research Foundation which is directed by Mr. Frank Kalman.