Gerald R. Molen - Biography

Gerald R. Mollen is an amazing man. In a world of political correctness, he dared to produce the documentary, highly critical of Barack Obama, 2016: Obama's America and the 2014 documentary America. Yet Gerald Molen is no right wing shill. He has produced such classic films as Minority Report, Jurassic Park and Schindler's List for which he won an Oscar for Best Picture. He cut his teeth in films as being transportation captain of a string of films including the original 1975 Escape to Witch Mountain. But rather than finding solace hiding in the shadows of such secretive clandestine conservative "Friends of Abe" meetings, Gerald has publicly appeared front and center on such high profile television shows as The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly. A man of deep convictions, Gerald Mollen R. Mollen's best works on screen may yet be ahead.