Jenise Dixon - Biography

Proprietor of her own production company, Jenise is an actress and filmmaker living in Los Angeles, CA. After moving to Atlanta from Omaha, NE at the age of 12, Jenise knew early on that she wanted to be a part of the magic of the big and small screens.

Her mother took her to an audition for Northside School of the Arts in Atlanta, GA where she performed a monologue and sang a song, both written by her. Jenise was accepted into NHS for her High School years and the rest is history.

She then auditioned for, and was accepted into, University of Miami's Conservatory for Acting. While at U of M, Jenise became a Varsity cheerleader for the #1 football team in the nation, the Miami Hurricanes. And she spent her summer teaching cheerleader camps for the largest cheer organizations in the nation: NCA and UCA.

Desiring to be a part of it all, Jenise matriculated to New York City and attended NYU's Tisch School of the Arts where she was Vice President of the Student Operations Board. While serving on the board, Jenise produced and directed several stage plays and organized a bus trip to the White House for the "March on Washington" to fight HIV/ AIDS. Jenise was also presented the "Presidential Service Award" from NYU's president for "Outstanding Achievement."

Jenise can be seen in several films and TV commercials. She is also writing and producing and directing other projects for the big screen and television.