Jessica Montville - Biography

Jessica Montville is an Italian-American actress born in Naples, Italy. Jessica and her family lived in Taormina Sicily, then eventually settled in Orlando, FL where she grew up. Jessica was enrolled in gymnastics at the age of 7, which ended up becoming a large focus of her life for many years, and she later competed at the national level. She retired from gymnastics in high school as a result of a bone fracture to which she made a full recovery.

From a young age Jessica showed an interest in competing, performing, and writing, having written and starred in her first play at age 9. Through high-school Jessica participated heavily in extra curricular activities like community theatre, and her high-schools Models Inc fashion program. As a firm believer in training and education, Jessica is continuously working on her craft, and trains at Upright Citizen Brigade Theatre in Los Angeles, California. She enjoys volunteering, writing, and staying very active by doing various exercises like aerial yoga and hiking.