John Clive - Biography

Tall, versatile, brown-haired (now balding) supporting actor, John Clive has been in a number of famous movies throughout his career. His first film was 2 Anglaises en délire (1967), which was followed by a role in The Beatles' movie, Yellow Submarine (1968), when he was called upon to dub John Lennon's voice. Appearing in the L'or se barre (1969) was also something of an achievement for this versatile actor. He appeared the controversial but landmark Orange mécanique (1971), two years later. For "Carry On..." fans he is best remembered for playing the first openly gay character in the series. The character,"Robin", goes on holiday with his partner "Nicholas" in L'Ile en folie (1972), but unfortunately the characters fall out in the film and Robin is left on his own at the end of the holiday. Another good performance in Carry on Dick (1974) followed.

John is not seen in film so much anymore, but he remains a successful performer in many stage productions and is also a successful author. He shares his free time between two properties in London and Spain.