John Richardson - Biography

Classically handsome John Richardson began his career with small roles in British movies at the end of the 50s. His big success was Don Chaffey's Un million d'années avant J.C. (1966) with Raquel Welch, produced by Hammer films. Later, following the steps of some other actors, he went on to appear in various Italian movies such as Umberto Lenzi's horror Gatti rossi in un labirinto di vetro (1975), Michele Soavi's Sanctuaire (1989) and many others. Richardson's great passion was collecting automobiles and he sometimes appeared in films as long as a car was included in the contract. But his recent movies filmed in the 80s convinced him to quit acting completely. Now, he is a noteworthy photographer with no interest whatsoever in looking back on his career in cinema. He is now living in a small town somewhere in the United Kingdom.