John Ryan Howard - Biography

Native of Douglas, Cork City, Ireland. Graduated from the 2 Year Full- Time Acting Programme in Kinsale College, Co. Cork. He made his stage debut in Gogol's 'The Government Inspector' in the Kinsale College Amphitheatre playing multiple roles, including that of the manic waiter. John's work on stage has ranged from Irish classics such as Brian Friel's 'Translations' whereby he played the leading role of 'Owen' to farce comedy's such as 'A Flea In Her Ear' whereby he played the role of 'Etienne'(a role made famous by Sir Anthony Hopkins). John has also trained under Hollywood's top Acting coach Margie Haber of Margie Haber Studios, Los Angeles in 'Screen Acting' & 'Audition Technique.' He has performed leading roles in over 50 Short Horror & Comedy films. John's performance as 'Lord Henry Wotton' in a stage adaptation of Oscar Wilde's 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' (July 2012) earned him rave reviews. John won the part of 'Nigel' in the ITV commissioned pilot 'Standing Up' directed by Gary Wade and produced by BAFTA winner Rob Heyland.