Jordan Fry - Biography

Jordan Fry is a drop-dead sexy talent-monster. He spends most of his days messing around with his imdb page and Googling himself. Jordan is a musician who dabbles in song writing and has been known to play a little ditty occasionally upon request. He has performed his own music at some very prestigious open mic nights at the occasional bar and is very popular among several of his friends.

Represented by Carlyne Grager at Dramatic Artists Agency, Jordan landed his first role as Porter, the grandson of Alan Arkin ,in the film Raising Flagg (2006), directed by Neal Miller.

Jordan has trained with Groundling's founder, Gary Austin, and top casting directors, Deborah Maxwell Dion and Joey Paul Jensen. He booked his next lead role as Mike TeaVee in the Tim Burton film Charlie et la chocolaterie (2005) starring Johnny Depp .

After Charlie he voiced the starring role as Lewis in Disney's Meet the Robinsons (2007).

He lives in Southern California.