Nikki Charm - Biography

From the early 1980s to the end of the decade, Nikki Charm was a huge favorite among fans of adult films. Blonde, adorable, enthusiastic and cute as a button, she always had a big grin as she threw herself wholeheartedly into her work, usually playing the young and innocent teen girl who got seduced - or the sly and sexually precocious teen girl who did the seducing - and cavorting with the top names in the business. Her movies such as Charm School (1986) were big money-makers and cemented her reputation in the business. By the end of the '80s, however, Nikki had left the industry. She had some legal problems later on and served a brief stretch in prison. She returned to the porn biz in the early 2000s and made a couple of "comeback" videos, a little older and a few pounds heavier but still with the unmistakable appeal that made her such a favorite. She left the industry in 2001 and stayed out for about 10 years, then came back in 2011 and as of this writing--2012--is still in the business.