Rayanna Dibs - Biography

Rayanna is a British actress from Wiltshire (SW England), and for the past 9 years has been based in London. Rayanna trained at Brunel University and also in America with various practitioners. She has worked on numerous film projects, theatre productions and also some TV.

In recent news, the short film Sally's Inner Demons in which Rayanna played the lead has been selected for Cannes 2016 short film corner. Other recent film credits include the Russian Blockbuster movie The Crew, Rayanna dubbed the lead female voice and the movie premiered at the Berlin Film Festival in February, and is set for International theatrical release April 2016. Her other films include The Unexpected Quaintness of Aliens, Roberto, and the upcoming feature film Alone which is in pre-production. Rayanna has also been cast in the feature Film Singles which goes into Production summer 2016, directed by new-comer Kate Cragg, DOP by Daniel Landin (Under the Skin).

She has performed leading roles in theatre including Josie in Nell Dunn's Steaming, Mrs Johnstone in Blood Brothers performed in the U.S, and she played the lead in a new play Only Bruises at the Edinburgh Festival 2014 which was very well received. She has now been cast in the upcoming stage production Predicament and plays a leading role.

Rayanna can be seen on U.S. TV in the upcoming series 50 Ways to Kill Your Lover on Discovery channel. Last year she was on U.S screens in the TV movie drama special Miracle Landing on the Hudson on Nat Geo directed by Emmy award winner Simon George. She is also in post-production on a pilot intended for TV in the UK, in which she plays a leading role and has co-produced.

Rayanna was hit by the acting bug at a young age, engrossed in watching action films. One film in particular tipped her over the the edge, let's just say "Yippee Ki Yay Motherf****r". Another favorite was the super cool 80s classic The Breakfast Club, and having spent weeks learning every characters dialogue and performing it back to her older brother against his will, let's just say the acting seed was well and truly planted.

Filmmaking, screen and stage is Rayanna's passion and she is most interested in collaboration, story-telling, and exploring interesting rich characters that challenge her, affect her, and push the boundaries of her craft.