Saleste Mele - Biography

Saleste was born in Whitehorse, the Yukon in 1977 but because her dad was in the Air Force, they moved to Germany when she was young and were stationed in Baden Baden before the Berlin wall came down. Living in Europe throughout most of her formative years allowed for lots of travel and rich cultural experiences. Schools trips consisted of outings to castles and excursions to week long ski expeditions, hence the term army brat.

Interested in the occult at an early age, Saleste has always thought of deeper possibilities constantly searching for connection and a way to make a difference. A lateral thinker with philosophical views, Saleste seeks to unite the world and has chosen the arts as her outlet.

Saleste's ingenuous spirit and audacious nature make her a natural leader and someone who stands out from the crowd. She loves being in front of the camera exploring characters and their worlds, and enjoys solitude and physical activity to recharge. Her style encompasses a dry wit and subtle quirkiness that catch her audience off guard allowing them to appreciate the moment. She takes solace in finding the humanity amongst people and believes we are all connected.