Steve I Gilbert - Biography

Steve Gilbert is 45 years old and works as an actor. He was born, raised and lives in good old Essex,approx an hour from London. He has a passion for cooking, fast cars and motorcycles and also have experience with tracked vehicles and would relish a role involving any of these. He holds a full motorbike and car licence and holds a valid passport. He has experience in Drama and Comedy and is happy settling into either role as he likes the challenges both roles bring. Due to his facial features he portrays moody, dark, mysterious characters very well and feels he adds a bit of mystery to the characters. Like wise with comedy his look works well and can help bring the scene to life in a lot of different scenarios as he did on a recent shoot. Also as a father to three boys he is able to play the father figure or family man role with ease along with 45 years in the Univerity of Life which allows him to look back on certain situations for inspirational ideas for various characters. He is open to different ideas and is keen to show what his capabilities are in a variety of character roles and has proven himself on a number of occasions with some excellent feedback from both producers and actors alike. Steve is very keen to make a success in the industry and willing to discuss any roles that are put to him and looks forward to hearing from you soon.