Toofun West - Biography

Having a great passion for theater, cinema and literature from an early age has instilled in Toofun a great passion for the arts.

Toofun has been greatly inspired by some of the most talented and highly regarded leading men to grace the big screen, including: Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Charles Chaplin, Kirk Douglas, Peter O'Toole, Charlton Heston Steve McQueen, Burt Lancaster, Gene Hackman and Sean Connery.

Toofun has lived in Iran, Turkey, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Canada and USA. He has endured the hardships of revolutions, political unrest, smuggled from one country to the next in pursuit for freedom and justice and lived majority of his childhood in refugee camps across Europe only to emerge, stronger, wiser and more humble, with a better understanding of himself.

He is able to make practical and effective use of these powerful experiences in his craft, both as an Actor and as a Writer.